Independent Governors

Cardiff Metropolitan University

  • Permanent
  • Cardiff, Wales
The following job is no longer available:
Independent Governors
Specialisms:Board, Education
Date posted:11th July 2023
Closing date:21st August 2023

Cardiff Metropolitan University is a driver of education and social transformation, a catalyst for innovation and the economy, and a key contributor to inclusive and sustainable growth in Wales and the wider world. Awarded the title of Welsh University of the Year 2021 by The Times and The Sunday Times and Times Higher Education’s University of the Year 2021, we are now a community of over 12,500 students based at our two main Cardiff campuses, with a further 13,500 students studying with our international partners in 13 countries.  

The University’s strategic plan, Strategy 2030, focuses on ‘Belonging and Becoming’, enabling students, staff, and partners to fulfil their life chances and those of the communities and economies they belong to. The strategy builds on the successes of the last five years and represents the next phase in the University’s journey of diversification, growth, and improvement. 

The University is governed by a Board of Governors which has overall responsibility for the strategy, direction, and performance of the institution.  

The University is seeking to identify up to five new board members from a range of professional backgrounds. Members will need to be effective communicators, able to grasp complex issues and contribute to the Board in a manner that encourages contribution, debate and achieves consensus. A willingness to provide constructive challenge and strategic focus is essential for these roles.   

We are seeking a broad range of expertise including:  

  • Higher education (academic and professional services leadership)  
  • Finance and accountancy  
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation 
  • Change management and workforce development 
  • International business and relations  

The University can consider those for whom this would be their first Board position but evidencing an understanding and appreciation for the remit of the role will be essential. Connections to the University or region and Welsh language skills would be advantageous but are not essential. 

Closing date: Noon on 07 August 2023

We are committed to supporting and promoting equality and diversity and to creating an inclusive working environment. Our Strategic Plan underpins our commitment to recruit and retain the best talent and we welcome applications from people from diverse backgrounds.  We appoint on merit. 


Mae Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd yn gyrru trawsnewidiad addysgol a chymdeithasol, yn gatalydd ar gyfer arloesi a’r economi, ac yn gyfrannwr allweddol at dwf cynhwysol a chynaliadwy yng Nghymru a’r byd ehangach. Ar ol ennill teitl Prifysgol y Flwyddyn Cymru 2021 gan y  Times, a Phrifysgol y Flwyddyn 2021 gan y Sunday Times a’r Times Higher Education, rydym bellach yn gymuned o dros 12,500 o fyfyrwyr wedi’u lleoli ar ein dau brif gampws yng Nghaerdydd, gyda 13,500 o fyfyrwyr ychwanegol yn astudio gyda’n partneriaid rhyngwladol ar draws 13 o wledydd.

Mae cynllun strategol y Brifysgol, Strategaeth 2030, yn canolbwyntio ar ‘Berthyn a Dod’, gan alluogi myfyrwyr, staff, a phartneriaid i gyflawni eu cyfleoedd bywyd ac hefyd y  cymunedau a’r economïau y maent yn perthyn iddynt. Mae’r strategaeth yn adeiladu ar lwyddiannau’r pum mlynedd diwethaf ac yn cynrychioli’r cam nesaf yn nhaith arallgyfeirio, twf a gwelliant y Brifysgol.

Llywodraethir y Brifysgol gan Fwrdd Llywodraethwyr sydd â chyfrifoldeb cyffredinol am strategaeth, cyfeiriad a pherfformiad y sefydliad.

Mae’r Brifysgol yn ceisio dewis hyd at bum aelod bwrdd newydd o amrywiaeth o gefndiroedd proffesiynol. Bydd angen i’r aelodau hyn fod yn gyfathrebwyr effeithiol, yn gallu deall materion cymhleth a chyfrannu at y Bwrdd mewn modd sy’n annog cyfraniad, dadl a’r cais am gonsensws. Mae parodrwydd i gynnig adeiladol a ffocws strategol yn hanfodol ar gyfer y rolau hyn.

Rydym yn chwilio am amrywiaeth eang o arbenigedd gan gynnwys:

  • Addysg uwch (arweinyddiaeth gwasanaethau academaidd a phroffesiynol)
  • Cyllid a chyfrifeg
  • Entrepreneuriaeth ac arloesi
  • Rheoli newid a datblygu’r gweithlu
  • Busnes a chysylltiadau rhyngwladol

Gall y Brifysgol ystyried y rhai y byddai hon yn safle Bwrdd cyntaf iddynt ond bydd dangos dealltwriaeth a gwerthfawrogiad o gylch gorchwyl y rôl yn hanfodol.  Byddai cysylltiadau â’r Brifysgol neu’r ranbarth a sgiliau Cymraeg yn fanteisiol ond nid ydynt yn hanfodol.

I gael gwybod mwy am y cyfle hwn, ewch i

Dyddiad cau: Hanner dydd ar Llun 07 Awst 2023.

Rydyn ni wedi ymrwymo i gynorthwyo a hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth ac i greu amgylchedd gwaith cynhwysol. Mae ein Cynllun Strategol yn sail i’n hymrwymiad i recriwtio a chadw’r talentau gorau ac rydyn ni’n croesawu ceisiadau gan bobl o gefndiroedd amrywiol. Rydyn ni’n penodi yn ôl teilyngdod.

Cardiff Metropolitan University

View the recruitment website
Any questions?

If you have any questions about your application, please get in touch.
