14 September 2021
Helene Usherwood continues her thought leadership around diversity and inclusion speaking to HRZone about the importance of invisible and cognitive diversity and why more women need to apply for non-executive roles.
“Cognitive diversity is about taking ideas from outside your existing frames of reference and applying them to everything from everyday problem-solving to winning new business. This is why I believe more women should be applying for non-exec roles – we intrinsically have the power to approach a problem or issue from a different perspective to our male counterparts. Non-execs are often appointed to challenge the direction and performance of an organisation and its existing team. Typically, a non-executive director doesn’t engage in the day-to-day management of the organisation but is involved in areas such as policy making and strategy setting.”
Read the full article here.
To find our more about our non-executive roles or to discuss with Helene how you can start your NED career, contact helene@andersonquigley.com