20 May 2022
Helene Usherwood specialises in the appointment of executive and non-executive directors in the NHS regulatory bodies and shared her thoughts with D&I Leaders on the progress that has (or hasn’t) been made in the diversity of boardrooms over the years.
She says, “We still have far to go in achieving other areas of diversity at board level, particularly in representation of invisible markers of diversity such as religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background and disability,” she says. “These areas must be recognised with equal importance. By expanding our focus to include invisible differences, we shift the discussion from ‘how can we increase gender and racial diversity?’ to ‘do we have a variety of diverse perspectives to deal with complex problems and create innovative solutions?’”
Read the full article here.
To find our more about our non-executive roles or to discuss with Helene how you can start your NED career, contact helene@andersonquigley.com